Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

What's new this week?

This is a video of my latest purchases, it's new for me this week so I wanted to share it with you. My product review will come on later tonight.
Thanks for watching, following the blog, subscribing on youtube and leaving comments- THANK YOU.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

On the Tube

Sorry for the delay everyone. Let's jump into some tv reviews.....
The Real Housewives of Altanta
- In the latest episode Nene went under the knife for a nose job. I don't know why but I feel like the nose job was her main objective and she merely masked her nose job consultation with a breast reduction and lipo suction conversation with her doctor. For those of you who missed the episode she had all of the aforementioned procedures. Greg was not present during the entire episode and it appeared as if he wasn't supporting her through the recovery process. We know they have marital problems but it was certainly highlighted during the latest episode. Where oh WHERE did this mystery friend Diana come from. She was there with Nene through her procedures and was even at Nene's house to help her recover. When Nene said she wanted to get off the couch well there was Diana to help Bullwinkle #dontjudgeme Nene get up. I just felt like Nene was using her, and of course I say this without knowing the background of their relationship and I know that she is contractually obligated to hang out with the housewives gang but she seemed to care more about them than her friend Diana who was present. While hopped up on drugs straight out of surgery, there is Diana wiping her bloody nose and sitting by her bed as Nene asks her to call Sheree and Kim...shaking my head. Nene is such a wanna be (old school word) in my opinion even though she pretends as if she is full of confidence.

Now before I get off of the Nene topic I must address something that she did that really got under my skin in this episode. While grazing through her kitchen her oldest child Bryson respectfully expressed his disfavor with his mom's surgery. After his concluding comments she turns to her youngest son and says "See that's the nose I wanted, I don't know how this little sucker ( I think she said sucker) got this perfect nose." You then see Bryson exit stage left. This scene disturbed me because it made me think that there may have been other instances in Bryson's life (particularly after the birth of his brother) where Nene may have made Bryson feel insignificant or she may have inadvertently made comparisons between the boys....perhaps. Also some may say that Bryson isn't as cute as his little brother so that may have had an impact on him as well. Nene mentioned in a previous episode that Bryson doesn't spend time with his brother, perhaps it's because of feelings that Bryson may be harboring or dealing with regarding his little brother...who knows. This is just my assumption from Nene's one This however does NOT absolve old weed head Bryson from accepting the normal responsibilities that he should be shouldering on his own at this stage in his life. By responsibilites I don't necessarily mean having his own place etc. but he should pick up after himself and at least offer to contribute to the needs of the household...and go to school or do SOMETHING.

Kim- This week we got a glimpse of Kim's family when her parents came to visit. So many things are clear in my mind now.

1) I now understand why Kim began getting botox in her 20's- clearly her family doesn't age well. We didn't get an age on the momma but she was looking like he was Kim's daddy's momma... #justSaying

2)Being with a married man is acceptable as long as he can do things for you.

Kandi- Don't talk about it, be about it. I wouldn't write a lick or even dream about putting a song together for Kim unless my lawyers drafted the contracts and Kim has already She shafted Kandi once on the money she was owed and I really hope it won't happen again. And when Kandi agreed to perform on stage (episode before last) with Kim, I was too done with that simpleton. Unless Kim's agreement to perform with Kim was based on the following idea-"if kim goes out there and performs poorly she will be even more of a joke than she already is and her 15 minutes of fame will be done sooner rather than later. Which means even if I produce another good song for her, people will not be interested, so I will go on stage and help her out just to keep this momentum going" #kanyeShrug. Perhaps that's what was floating through her head...who knows.

Sheree- Well, well, well, Sheree had a second encounter with Dr. Love. He gave some stupid example of letting a man feel like a man by opening a bottle of ketchup even if the woman is able to open the bottle. He was giving one of his speeches to a room filled with women who seemed to hang on to his every word as if each syllable could bring them closer to the man of their dreams. He said nothing that resonated with me, but hey he is making money (possibly) so I won't judge him or knock his I do think it was interesting that his panel of women consisted of Sheree, a radio host and another woman who was probably his friend.... Sheree implied during the last episode that she does not wash dishes...does she have a maid that we have never seen?Or do her kids have dish pan hands? Anyway Sheree and her bootleg Hitch plan on having another date and he will try to get Sheree to eat off of his finger...Like Sheree, I would be disgusted and running out of his place. No finger licking for me please...NEXT.

The Model- I've already forgotten her name (Cynthia-I think) but she is ok in my book thus far.

Pheadra- Oh how I defended you when people called you snooty after the first episode, but you made me eat those words. Pheadra was down right rude to the model and her man Peter as they rode in a limo to an equestrian event. It started out ok because Pheadra was saying that Apollo has no kids and she wanted a man with no kids. OK nothing wrong there...but then Peter, the model's man, states that he has 5 kids and this is where Pheadra lost me. She made a face and said NO I prayed for a CLEAN man no baby momma drama. I didn't appreciate her use of the word clean ( I know what she meant by it) but it just translated as RUDE. As The Countess would say "Money can't buy you classssssss elegance is learned my friend". Pheadra then began talking about her childhood and how she has been riding horses since she was 7 or 8. The local donkey on the farm does not an equestrian make...but who knows perhaps she did...She then began bragging (it came across as bragging) about her degrees. Guess what Pheadra, many many people have the same degrees that you have, and while you should be proud, flaunting your success in the face of others is never attractive.

Despite the elegance that she tries to display, her baby shower was a stupid hot mess. Not because she had ballarinas but because she made that shower so much more than it had to be and it just didn't make sense. She is having a baby not a wedding so why she wanted to do a special dance and then have ballerinas appear is beyond me. She also allowed someone to place rhinestones across her eyelids and roses in her ponytail....#FAIL. Secretly, I think she has low self esteem....

Did I forget anyone? Oh yeah we saw the boring Lisa make an appearance and thank goodness it was brief.

Are you watching this show?

The Glam Squad it's actually called The House of Glam (thank's Lauren)

Why didn't you guys tell me about this show??????? I happened to catch two episodes last Saturday on the Bravo network and I enjoyed the show. It's basically a woman who owns a company that styles celebrities and non celebrities for a fee of course. You get to see her team of misfits styling the Dream, Taiana, Mario and Jojo...hopefully in future episodes we will get to see them actually style people who are relevant...LOL. From what I can tell it looks like they are based in good old NYC. I like the hustling energy that flows through the people who work for the agency they are really passionate about fashion and hair. One member of the company was best friends with the owner of the agency since childhood and while she may have a flare for fashion ( hopefully that will appear in future episodes because so far I'm not impressed) she has an attitude that only her family members can How dumb are you to actually tell an artist that the styling is more important than the music. She (sorry I don't know names I only saw two episodes) said all of this to The Dream and he was insulted and said styling helps but you need to have music first..She actually went back and forth on this point until the Dream got up and left. I think the owner needs to check her friend because celebrities can always find another stylist. Anywho the show airs on Tuesdays on the Oxygen network, I guess it repeats on Bravo on the weekends but I'm not sure if that happens regularly or if I just happened to catch the bravo promotion of that show.

Are you watching this show?

FootBall Wives

We are only one episode in and a line has been drawn in the sand between some of the football wives. Pilar Sanders, wife of Dion Sanders, is on a show with some women I have never seen before- except for one (the attorney) where have we seen her before? Was she Mike Tyson's last wife???? Anywho Pilar caused friction when she agreed to attend a bible study class only to skip out early to attend a movie premier with another football wife. Apparently this really angered one football wife names Chanitam even though it was neither her house nor her event. She just came across as jealous of Pilar. She wanted Pilar to ask for forgiveness or apologize which I think she may have done ifffff Chanita had not been so rude and LOUD....ughhh I can't take people who are loud for no reason at all. Chanita also looks like she has no eyebrows so I wish she would address that issue. Chanitra revealed that her hubby may have to take a big pay cut and work for some other organization like the ufl not NFL I don't keep up with football so i couldn't tell you but I know its the bootleg version of the NFL. So Chanitra may be a little

Amanda, another football wife said that she must always look good because her hubby is a celebrity and they live that lifestyle blah blah blah. Please take a look at her picture here and then rejoing this conversation.... Ok yes so I am giving her the side eye when she can't even look decent in professional photos with tons of makeup.....

Next up is Erin who isn't a wife and shouldn't really be on the show. But since she is on the show, I have to address the fact that she works two jobs one of which is hooters. :-) Not that she should be living off of this man who isn't her husband but ummmm ok moving on lol.

Melani is a wife who doesn't care about the cameras because she was not makeup ready, in fact she showed up makeup -LESS.

The other wives bore me and I don't recall seeing Mercedes yet.

Are you watching???
LaLa's Full Court Wedding
LaLa's Full Session of Boredom is over lol, ok maybe it wasn't that bad, but she married Melo and hopefully lives happily ever after. I must say her cousin Dice looked really nice on the day of the wedding- BUTTT why make such a fuss over her outfit is she was going to change into JEANS and street gear for the reception....WHO DOES THAT? #NotAtMyWedding.
Fantasia for Real
Fantasia gets more annoying with each episode. She has learned in the last episode that the "separated" man she was seeing was still with his wife and going on trips with her. Fanny seemed shocked by this information and ended the episode in tears. Whomp.
Kanye West

Last Saturday Kanye locked down certain video channels to premier the hour long movie/video that he directed. It is called runaway and it is basically a compilation of some songs from his latest album played out on the small screen. Selita Ebanks played the love interest and with vivid colors and seemingly abstract ideas I was hooked. Maybe I was reading too far into it but I think he had a bunch of symbols streaming through his work. When he began playing a tune on his little music box and out came the ballerinas which in my mind is Kanye's way of saying I am the puppet master and you all dance to my tune. he controlled the rhythm, and when he stopped so did they...There were so many other things but all in all I thought it was well done. What did you make of it all? Masterpiece of Master FAIL.

I no longer watch the following shows because they bore me- The Event and The Undercovers....I tried but I couldn't hold on.

The Game comes back on our screens 1-11-11- I will be watching!!!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Darcy's Botanicals Reviews

Hello Everyone
Please check the videos for the Darcy's Botanicals Conditioner Cream Wash and Shea Butter Moisturizer reviews. In the first video you will also see my latest purchase form

Part 2

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Voluminous Mascara, Black Maple & Beemine Juicy Spritz review

Hello Everyone
While taking my usual stroll through CVS, the highly reflective gold packaging of Loreal's voluminous million lashes mascara caught my eye. I had to buy the $8.99 mascara, there was just no way around
This mascara promises to add volume to your lashes while leaving the clumping behind. Before even showing my lashes I have to say that I agree with Loreal, that this is a no clumps mascara. When you pull the wand out of the tube, it makes that sound of a suction cup being removed from some surface. It's like it sucks the excess formula off of the wand so that you have a relatively clean wand, just enough mascara to coat your lashes but not enough to clump them.

Here is the wand-

Let's check out my naked lashes.


Now with just ONE coat of the voluminous mascara


I also picked up black maple lipstick from the Bobbi Brown Black Velvet collection. Watch the video to hear my thoughts on the other lipsticks from the Black Velvet collection.

And on my lips

Below is the video review of the Beemine Juicy Spritz.

Thanks for watching and reading.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Nails, body, hair, and on the tube

First I review a few products starting with nail polish then I discuss a delicious body scrub and some INEXPENSIVE hair goodies.

On the Tube
Let's take a few moments out to discuss what is going on in the reality tv world.
Fantasia for Real
Teeny is still a mess but at least he isn't living with Fanny anymore, even though I have a feeling that he may still lean on her for financial support when he can't make ends meet.
Fantasia had an opportunity to date a football player (Devin) , who can put together a complete sentence and of course she turned down his offer to go out on a date. Her heart is apparently with the man who is separated. Sigh......
Last season I was really annoyed with Fanny's family but this season I am really annoyed with Fantasia. She just gives me the impression that she is super hardheaded and doesn't learn from her mistakes quickly. As a quick side note from last week I did NOT like how she left Aunt Bunny on the side of the road. She should have gotten popped in the mouth for that I don't care how upset you are, that behavior is unacceptable. Other options could have included dropping Aunt Bunny off but not going inside to participate. Or she could have just cancelled the whole thing for the night. She showed a lack of respect for Aunt Bunnie's time.
Now on to the man that Aunt B met and the date that they had in this weeks episode. Do you think he is really into her (not that it isn't possible) or do you think he was drawn in by the lovely cameras following her? He seems a bit young and I don't know him or his type but I probably would have matched him with someone else...but again who knows, perhaps Aunt B is exactly his type.
OK off track- back to Tasia and her refusal to go out on a date with Devin because she is still pining away over a married man --separated is not divorced in my book...oh yeah and in the eyes of the law! Devin has his own career going as a football player (I don't watch football but I have seen his picture on when he was eye candy of the week) and he seems like a pretty nice fellow but she wasn't impressed enough to give him a chance. Not that she has to give every guy in the world a chance but this one seemed like a good option. Oh well #kanyeshrug.

Real and Chance- I'm glad they're getting a check and in reality, their show is no more ridiculous than the Jackass guys so whatever... At least they are working with animals, I love that idea but that show gets very little attention from me.

LaLa's Full Court Wedding.
I simply can not take Lala's wedding planner, she seems very demanding when you consider the fact that this isn't her money. I understand that as a wedding planner she wants to help the couple to keep on top of the budget and make certain decisions but at the same time you are dealing with a multimillionaire so if Melo wants 4 more invitations, I say shut your mouth and just make it happen we don't need commentary from you woman. I think Lala is way too soft with some of these people who are working for her. It's almost like she is at times asking for permission to spend her own money. I want her to be more in control. It also seems like her days are filled with and little tasks stress her out. I know Lala has produced things behind the scenes so maybe we can get a snapshot of her working and then that would make it more understandable when she says things like "I have so much going on" lol.
I love wedding so I am not mad at this show, although it is a little slow at time. Carmelo is definitely a laid back kind of guy, I don't think he loves being on camera. However, sometimes he is so laid back that it looks like he could care less if Lala is there or

Housewives of ATLANTA
OH boy did the season start of properly this week- now on Mondays.
Lisa is no where to be found so far and she does not appear in the opening credits. I heard her on the radio saying that she did film a few episodes but she had no idea if they would keep her in or edit her out entirely. We got to see Phedra, one of the new housewives for this season- she is the attorney who is married to the ex-con.
Drama is swarming all around Dwight and two housewives, Nene and Sheree. Kim alleges that Dwight claims to have loaned Greg, Nene's husband, some money in the sum of 10,000. Do you think he really did loan Greg the money? I believe he did and Greg looks shifty as can be so ummm yeah I think it was certainly more than $500 as Greg claims.
Dwight also claims to have invested about 30,000 is SHeree's fashion show last season. What do you think? Sheree lacks direction and focus as was shown during the fashion show episode last season. She didn't even think her clothes needed to be accented with jewelry etc. I have a feeling Dwight pulled those furs and jewelry on her behalf. He likely called his contacts and had items sent over immediately for the show, you have to pay to make all of that happen so I actually don't doubt Dwight. Why is everyone (Sheree, Nene, Greg and that random guy in Sheree's kitchen) questioning whether or not Dwight even has money? Dwight never hit me as being broke and ummm doesn't he own his own business?
Nene is rearing her insecure, hater head again this season. If you listen to Phedra she acknowledges Nene and the fact that they have known each other since their days in Athens. Phedra seems respectful and pleasant even nice when recounting her encounters with Nene. Nene on the other hand refers to Phedra as a plain Jane and had the nerve to question why the ATTORNEY Phedra was invited to an exclusive event...... Nene has many insecurities that she is dealing with and apparently, at least for a portion of this season, she will be working her issues out with her old BFF Kim. double sigh.
Kandi is dating a football player, can't recall his name but I have seen him before and his teeth look great.
Kim is a mess as usual and doing all that she can for attention.
Sheree is trying to be an actress and from what I have seen, she has as much acting potential as Beyonce.

What are you watching and what are your thoughts on the aforementioned shows?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Thanks PB, Beemine Product Review and On the screen

I hope you all have a great weekend

On the Big Screen
Is anyone going to see that facebook movie?
Any other good movies opening this weekend?
On the Tube
Of the new shows on tv this season, which shows are you checking out?
I started watching Undercovers, The Event andChase.
Undercovers- Boris' acting needs an upgrade but other than that I think the show has potential.
The Event- I was so hoping that it would be more than aliens.....sigh
Chase- I like this show, each week another nutty criminal gives Chase a run for her money. So far we have seen two episodes and I enjoyed them both.