Hello Ladies
So I was enjoying my stroll through Target when I spotted a transitioning kit from the company Jamaican Mango & Lime. In large print you can see the text "No More Relaxer" so I was obviously intrigued. The kit which is pictured below claims that it can help to prevent a woman from doing the big chop by straightening the new growth to blend in with the relaxed hair. I know, it sounds like a relaxer, right? OK well as I read it, it basically stated that you would use the product on your hair and then apply heat and your hair would be straight without having to use a relaxer. Well I had a few concerns, first of all, why does the kit come with gloves? Why do I need gloves to apply this product to my hair, sounds like a chemical to me. Secondly this straightened look will last throguh roughly two to three washes. Still sounds like a relaxer, right? Thirdly, it comes in maximum and mild strength. All of this screamed mild relaxer, but the box says it's a heat activated treatment. What's a gal to think? This product costs $19.99 and if you want to see the ingredients, I did the best that I could using my camera phone, so please scroll down to see the ingredients.
I did not buy this kit but I was seriously considering making the purchase. On Sunday I was convinced that I should give it a try but when I went back to Target, each box of the mild version had been tampered with so I didn't make a purchase. I guess this product really piqued the curiosity of other women. I am now thinking that I won't buy it but who knows....

click on the picture to get a better view of the ingredients.
If you've tried this product, please leave your experience in the comment section below. What do you all make of this product?