This blog is designed to allow me to discuss the many products that I purchase and test. Please feel free to leave comments or email me at
Monday, April 30, 2012
The Caviar Manicure (updated)
Well ladies, I couldn't resist I had to get my hands on the $25 limited edition caviar manicure by Ciate.
In the video below I will demonstrate how to apply this polish but don't fret it also comes with detailed instructions as well. It is a totally simple process to make your nails pop in 3D.
In this kit you will get the base coat polish which really can be substituted with your favorite nail polish. The you get the actual beads, the funnel to return excess beads to the bottle and a tray used during the bead application process.
Although this special manicure comes in three colors, I opted for the black with the purple and teal pearls. In the video I discuss the issues I have with this kit, but overall I really like this unique look.
Check out my other pics:
Ciate recommends a 15-20 minute drying time to ensure that your beads are set properly.
I will continue to update this post throughout the week to document my beaded journey but so far so good. My nails are completely dry and I was distracted doing other things so I am not sure if it took 20 minutes or more. It has not been about 4 hours that I've had my beads on and I have not seen any beads dropping off of my hands. I have in fact washed my hands several times and everything is still in tact.
Do you think you will buy this 3d nail product or will you find your own beads in a craft store and try this look on your own?
I don't want to call Sunday Day 1 because I applied the manicure in the evening so it wasn't on for too many hours before I went to bed.
Let's call Monday my first official day. Ok here goes, the very next day my nails looked different. After taking a shower, applying lotion and doing all of the things that we do during the day, I noticed that the shine of the pearls began to diminish- how disappointing!!!! I must admit that the beads have some real holding power because they really remained in tact. Here is a pic of my Day 1 (some of you may want to call this Day 2).
This picture was taken with flash:
Also please keep in mind as you look at these pictures the fact that I coated only one finger with a clear top coat- the finger next to my pinky finger. Although it is recommended that you DO NOT apply a top coat, doing so helped to preserve the appearance of the pearls. On the video posted above you will note that I didn't like the appearance of my nail with the top coat because I thought it looked a bit dull when compared to the nails with no top coat. However, after considering the downward spiral my other nails took I am starting to reconsider my thoughts on applying a top coat.
If you look at the picture the one with the top coat actually looks brighter than the nails with no top coat. Now let's look at my nails with no flash used on the picture.
Do you see that the nails look a bit dull? Do you notice anything else? Let's look at a day 2/ 3 picture to examine my nails a bit more.
If you notice the nail with the top coat is the only one that maintained the appearance of the multi colored pearls!!! What eventually happened is that after hand washing, showers, and washing dishes, the pearls on my nails looked like little silver balls. What happened to my purple, and turquoise balls? Well that colored coating pealed off to reveal not so exciting silver balls.
The ONLY nail that maintained the color of the pearls is the nail with- yes, you guessed it, the nail with the top coat.
I experienced chipping on one hand (index finger shown below) but it really was my fault. I hit my finger on something and when I pulled back I saw the damage. All of my other nails have really held up and today is day 4 if you're counting from Sunday and Day 3 if you count Monday as my first official caviar day.
Since this polish has raised little pearls, you may experience a little snagging on some materials or even your hair, nothing too major but I wanted to mention this issue.
Would I buy this again? Nope, I would likely purchase some micro beads from a craft store and call it a day. I would just look for beads that don't look too cheap. Or I would use this product and make sure that the day I do my nails with this caviar look is the night that I am going out so that my nails look fresh and my pearls shine.
Thanks for watching/reading.
Friday, April 27, 2012
NOTW (a retrospective of the last few weeks)
I have been doing a few things with my nails yet I've failed to post the results so here we go.
One week I applied Zoya's Dree over my nails as shown below. This is a one coat really opaque polish.
But that wasn't enough so I decided to throw on a very sheer Zoya color named "Manhattan" over Dree. It is a sparkly polish without that hard to remove glitter.
Now here is the caviar manicure- pic courtesy of the Ciate website.
SICK, right? And it's limited edition so I have to get it, right? Ok I just convinced myself to buy The only prolbem is this polish takes 15-20 minutes to dry. :-(
UPDATE I bought it!
On the Small Screen
On another note, I can't get enough of Scandal. Although i didn't like the fit of Olivia's pants last night, I do appreciate the twists and turns of this made for tv drama. When Olivia get's right in someone's face and ever so calmly explains how she will destroy the person, I get warm and fuzzy "It's my name on that door." I heard that OOOOOlivia!!!! If you haven't watched the show yet, please check it out online to catch up and then WATCH each new episode.
In other news, I can not stop listening to this song!
Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Eyeko Mascara Review
Below you will see some pictures of my lashes before and after applying the Eyeko Curvy Brush mascara. This UK based mascara has found it's way to the US in Sephora stores, and of course online at and This $19 mascara features two ingredients that I am not used to seeing in mascara, shea butter and keratin. The curvy brush on this wand coupled with the aforementioned key ingredients work to curl your lashes and keep them curled for 12 hours.
I review this prodct in the video so check out some pictures before and after.
In this picture you are looking at my naked natural lashes. As you can see there is a natural slight bend to my lashes already. I do not use an eyelash curler ever.
Here are my lashes from the front, where you will see that they don't stand out too much on their own.
Now I've applied one coat of the mascara can you see more of a curve to my lashes?
This looks like more of a curve than you see in the first picture before I applied the mascara.
You may also notice that some of the mascara got onto my skin.
Here is a close shot:
In the next picture I only have the mascara applied on my eyelashes on the right side of the picture. Do you see a difference between my natural naked lashes and the lashes with one coat of the curvy brush?
This is what I meant in the video when I said that this mascara gives me a very natural look, you can tell that something may be doing on but it is not dramatic. For those who like the natural look I like this product may be a winner for you.
However, for those who want more of a dramatic eye, you will have to go in for layers 2 and 3. Check it out:
Here my lashes even appear to have more volume on the right side of the picture.
I have to say that I did not experience any clumping with this mascara.
As i mentioned in the video it is very wet which is one reason why I think you can see the mascara on my skin, if your eyelashes touch your skin while the product is still wet, it will be deposited on to your skin.
There is a tool that they provide in the package for anyone who buys their mascara and this tool will help to prevent the transfer of product from your lashes to your skin. (tool shown in the video)
Due to the formulation of this product, adding multiple coats, does not leave my lashes feeling brittle or weighed down.
Here is coat 3
When you compare my lashes on the left (naked) to the lashes on the right, you do see a difference.
Here are my lashes all done up on another day.
Have you tried Eyeko mascara?
Thanks for reading/ watching.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
WNTW, NYX cosmetics and a Body Scrub Review
In the video below, I compare the Sephora brand sugar body scrub to the Bodycology brand body scrub which you can find at Target. I also showcase my first lip colors from the brand NYX.

This color looks like a pasty pink and I hate it. On the web this color looks like a light brown. The formula of the product feels great though.

Here is a better shot of the color Honey Nectar.

Now we come to the color Rosie Brown, a frosty colored light brown.

Below you will see the color Merlot. I was expecting a nice berry wine colored lipstick but got this instead.

Next is a color that I liked named skin tone. This is not a lip gloss, it is called xtreme cream. It is like melted lipstick, it is full coverage and definitely heavier than a gloss.

The following shade Monte Carlo is one of my favorites.

Finally, my other favorite color is Maison, a great brown girl nude.

Sunday, April 8, 2012
Carol's Daughter Chocolat
Monday, April 2, 2012
What's New This Week? and swatches
First up my weekend nail polish was Minka by Zoya as shown below. Although I like Zoya polish, this particular one can have a streaky finish with just one coat so I needed two coats to really do the job.

Moving forward, my nail of the week now is Blagger by Butter London. This polish only needs one coat, it is thick, rich and I love it! It is certainly not one of those thin runny polishes. Cobalt blue is an it color for me.

Now for the lip swatches:
I picked up the Covergirl lip blast flipstick which features a dual sided tube of lip color. I purchased "flashy" which has a hot purple color on one end and a dusty, pinkish color (of which I do not approve) on the other end of the stick.

Here is a picture of the side that I am not fond of (the light pink side)
this picture was taken with the flash on.

Here is the same color with the flash off.
Here is the pretty side of the flashy Cover girl flipstick
Here is a picture of my lips with both the light and dark colors mixed for this flashy colored lipstick. The darker shade is powerful and almost has an iridescent appearance which takes over- but I'm ok with that since I'm not fond of the lighter shade. You can also mix the colors in a variety of ways to suit your needs.
Now here is my new Nars color named "New Lover". This one is going to quickly become a favorite spring time shade.
Now on to the three Sephora brand lip vinyls. Surprisingly, these were tough lip colors for me to capture in photographs. While the pictures did show that my lips were shiny, it was hard to get it to show the shimmery aspect of the lip product, so I did the best that I could. These pics were taken on my camera phone since I need to charge my camera battery.
I purchased the vinyls in three colors, Raspberry Vinyl (left), Fancy Red (center), and Fuchsia Fever (right).
Although these colors look like you may be rocking glitter, there is absolutely no feeling of glitter on your lips. The formula is creamy in nature and not sticky. It's shiny and bold, maybe too bold for me. :-) I prefer a light coating of this lip product over a lip stick, something about wearing the vinyl alone is a bit overpowering for me.
Here is Fancy Red
Raspberry Vinyl
And finally Fuchsia Fever
Thanks for reading and watching.