
Just as I thought, I love Bing by MAC, it is the perfect Fall shade. It is

a beautiful deep wine and it sells for $14.50 per tube.
I also purchased my first slimshine which is FABULOUS! Why is this the first time slimshine by MAC is in my life? I purchased the color "Most Wanted" which is described on the MAC site as an "intense purplish red with metallic golden shimmer (Frost)" also priced at $14.50.

I also want to bring a great product to your attention, the Burdock Root Butter Cream by Qhemet biologics. It is designed to moisturize and soften your hair. While it is targeted for those with fine or thin hair, I find this product to be perfect for those with thick hair. It does not weigh my hair down at all and I can still keep my hair blowing in the wind when I have this stuff

layered on. This s a great non greasy product if you are looking for one. Priced at $16.00 this product is made ofgreat ingredients like nettle, burdock root, olive oil, MSM sulfur, vitamin E and other treats. The scent is similar to the smell of lemons and something but I can't determine what the other thing is.
Great product.
Have you purchased anything from Qhemet Biologics? Do you have your eye on any lip products.
Bing looks gorgeous on you! I love the slimshine finish! For me they combine the best of both worlds (lipstick and lipgloss)
I've tried most of Qhemet Biologics products except for the bath and body. Unfortunately all of her moisturizers did not work for me:
AOHC was too greasy
Burdock softened my hair but the next day my hair was really dry.It is great for twisting though
OHHB was too sticky
and OCCD a lil bit too oily
but i have to say i am impressed at the quality of her products and the customer service.
Her pomades and oils work for me so i use them regularly. As it is getting colder, i am giving AOHc another chance...
anyways, enjoy your burdock cream :)
i bought bing, too at the nordstrom cosmetics trend show. i put "decorative" on top and it looks GREAT!
yay for bing! i'm using it this weekend in a fashion show i'm doing with jampacked lipgloss on top...hot combo!
It was the wonderful Amina that got me hip to Slimshines and now I love them too. Aren't they great? And Bing is heaven, I tell ya!!
This butter cream sounds greeeat!
O wow, this product looks & sounds GREAT, almost perfect for me b/c I have fine relaxed hair like I told u in the myhoney child post... but I just ordered the Banana Brulee Moisturizing Deep Conditioner based on your review here LOL (along with 1 of her hair butters) b/c I'm always on search for a great hair products that aren't gonna weigh my fine hair down like all the drug-store products did. Now I also want the Burdock Root butter Cream since its for fine thin hair. I despartely want healthy not so thin looking hair. I hope this will be a good product, I'v read other reviews & ppl seem to love it so I'll give it a shot! LOL
P.S. The aubrey organic products are great, I own the honeysuckle moisturzing condish too. But I am a HUGE fan of the island naturals condish, that stuff is GREAT & doesnt weigh my fine hair down at all & I LOVE the smell. I use it all the time as a leave-in b/c its so moisturzing. I even wrote a review on the site & I dont write reviews LOL. Take care!! :)
@Amina thanks. I think I will get two more tubes of Bing, one as back up and the other one for my mom. Sorry Qhemet didnt work for you but maybe since the weather is changing it will be a winner. I also have AOHC but I have not used it yet.
@Antithesis will you do a post on your experience at the trade show?
@RenRen you always do the best makeup jobs :-)
@B yes it is great and Amina is right on the money with the slimshines.
@Lauren YAY for ordering that banana brulee. Now that my most recent my honey shild products arrived I can say that I prefer the scent of the banana brulee over the honey child banana scent but i haven't used it yet so i can not speak on how well it works. I don't think it stinks just a bit more banana than I am used to..lol
I like that burdock root cream because it really is non greasy, you only need a little. It also makes my hair shine. I have to get that aubrey Island condish that you spoke of sounds divine. OK I didn't post on it yet but i have about 4-5 hair butters from shescent it. I have a few different scents, LOVE IT. Now I can not stress enough that only a little is needed. That product is so light weight, that whipped butter is really nice and the scents are just as you would imagine. You will get great shine from this but I would also say it is not something you can use everyday because then your hair would be greasy. Nice product though. It will last a long time for me so I'm not sure when I will have to reorder that butter. Oh since you get stuff from my honey child also i have to say I got the aloe leave in treatment since it is on sale this month....ok I need to get about 4-5 more bottle since it is on sale..used it last night for the first time..LOVE IT.
thanks for reading everyone.
Interesting. Where can you get the root butter cream? Thanks!
aaaw...thanks B and Product Diva:)
I can't wait to see how the AOHC work in the winter...
I haven't tried Bing, but love Most Wanted.
I've used QB in the past and had no problems with them. My manfriend, at the time, ended up taking one of my products because he liked the way it made his hair feel. I can't remember what it was. I need to go check out her site so that I can order some more stuff. My hair is in need of therapy right now.
This blog is bad for my finances...LOL.
Thanks PJD! Ok so I ordered the burdock cream so hopefully it'll work 4 me. I will take your advice & only use alittle, probably for my hair ends b4 going 2 bed at night or something b/c my hair can't take too much product or else it'll look too greasy & weighed down (thats if the product is too heavy to begin with). For example, I use the myhoney child bananna cream product & aubrey island natural condish just about every day as a leave-in moisturizer & they don't weigh my hair down at all :) maybe b/c I don't use alot b/c alittle goes a long way for me. I also ordered Nadia Seyani Hair Butter along with the banana brulee. Do you own this hair butter as well? If so, how it is? On her website it says its not too heavy & wont weigh ur hair down so that's why I took a chance & I ordered it. Hopefully I'll like it. My products should b arriving next wk so I cant wait. I'll keep u posted & let you know how they work for me :)
@TravelDiva you can get this product from https://www.qhemetbiologics.com
Amina I know you will keep up posted :-)
PBW I have been mixing bing and most wanted for a beautiful shimery wine look.
@Jewels see it is a product that even men can appreciate..i like that.
@Lauren in my previous comment I neglected to put down the name of the product but I was talking about the Nadia Seyani Hair Butter when I said -OK I didn't post on it yet but i have about 4-5 hair butters from shescent it. I have a few different scents, LOVE IT. Now I can not stress enough that only a little is needed. That product is so light weight, that whipped butter is really nice and the scents are just as you would imagine. You will get great shine from this but I would also say it is not something you can use everyday because then your hair would be greasy. Nice product though. It will last a long time for me so I'm not sure when I will have to reorder that butter.
I really hope you like it.
thanks for reading everyone.
Diva, I know I haven't posted in a while but I was still scrolling through every couple of days.
I was in the process of moving, no need to tell you how that capitalizes your time.
Anyway Im back! This rooot butter sounds like a must try! My hair strands are fine w/medium density. I always hear ppltalking about hw good this line is, but I've never tried it myself.
That Banana Pudding stuff, mmm. LUV IT!!
PS: I don't know what I was thinking when I gave the Collosal mascara an ok rating. That thing is GREAT! Thank you so much, I would've never tried that product if not for you.
@Brownee YAY I am glad that mascara is working out for you. I know that things get very busy in life and moving is a huge proecss so come back when you have time, my blog isn't going anywhere. :-)
I do appreciate you taking the time to read my reviews. Have you tried any great products recently? Oh and you may have seen my post on that horrible eye stain from Tarte..what a waste of money..lol
girl, you were sooo right!! with the weather changing, the AOHC is helping my hair soooo much!!
I even re-ordered the OHHB and an extra AOHC
She is also coming up with a new product that my greedy paws can't wait to touch it..lol
AMina that is wonderful I'm glad it works now...what a difference a season makes..lol
I mentioned in another post to you about how much I love the Burdock Root cream! Right now to me its the best moisturzier around. I give it a thumbs up so thanks again so much for posting & reviewing this product, it was really helpful to me :)
I am so happy that it is working for you. I just put some on this morning...love it!
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