I had to split this video into three parts because, well, I talk too much..lol.
When I don't get to make videos daily, I find myself overwhelmed with the products I want to show you....however my schedule has been brutal so a three part video it is......
In the videos I show my two hauls from Tarte and Chagrin Valley.
Then I review my new EZ combs and the Brown butter Beauty (Christine Grant) Moisture Milk Spritz for all hair types (in my humble opinion)
Part 2
Part 3
Random Items
I'm almost embarrassed to ask this in public but ummmmmmm have you seen the reality show Jersey Shore? If so what are your thoughts?
Although MTV blocked out the punch that rocked Snookie, if you saw the preview last week you already saw the PUNCH. I like in NYC and it was already reported on the radio that the guy who punched snookie is actually a teacher from Queens NY, he has been suspended.
That show makes me vomit in my mouth a little more each time I see it, yet I can't turn away.
Snookie's idea of "rocking the dance floor" involved a series of cartwheels in her DRESS as she exposed her undergarments in a crowded club. Now would her roomates look on in disgust, or attempt to drag her off the dance floor? NO, in fact Jwow said "I'm so proud of her" HUH????? Ok I just can't and people were upset with Tiny and Toya? Please, Tiny and Toya actually did things like open a business (or at least she attempted to start one), write a book and take care of their kids. These people from the shore basically do nothing but drink and fight....yet I'm all tuned in for the shenanigans.
In the Theaters
Will you see Avatar this weekend? This movie features some real talent in addition to the fact that this type of "animation" has never been done before. They actually built special cameras just to film this movie. All of the characters had to wear sensors on their bodies as they filmed to allow the computers to capture their movements.
And if that doesn't grab you, just know that Laz Alonso is in the movie..lol

Check the trailer below:
I think we are gonna go see that movie, not sure but it looks really good. But whats up with those expired lip tints. Girl you better do something about it, hit them up for free stuff or something. Just saying.
I have not seen Jersey Shore yet. Something has been telling me that I just can't do it. However, I hear it is pretty entertaining. I'm afraid to go any further to the dark side. -- I too heart Laz Alonzo, but unfortunately in the movie, he is blue and you don't really get to see his face. I will probably see the movie at some point. I have a number of movies I want to see.
Hey Diva! Hahahahaha Omg it’s sad but I too got on the bang wagon & watch Jersey Shore after hearing talk about it from friends and the radio and I actually think its great entertainment lol. I didn’t watch it when it 1st aired on MTV but everyone was telling me I need to watch Jersey Shore and I was what the hell is Jersey shore? Lol. Now I’m a big fan lol I sure did watch the re-runs last night on MTV and I laugh out loud every time I watch it. That's "the situation" lmao I can't. Idk why I like the show so much but I do. I'm hooked and unfortunately I'll be tuning in every week just like the other 2.4 million viewers to watch the shenanigans. I watched interviews with them on TMZ and even though the show is a hot mess, I respect them for “keeping it real.” That breaking dancing or whatever Snookie was doing on the dance floor had me dying; I’ve never seen anyone do that in the club before. LMAO @ Snookie's idea of "rocking the dance floor" that’s hilarious. But in my head I’m like OK, where are these ppls parents at? I know they are over 18 and all but still. Drinking and making out with girls on TV? Snookie complaining every week about “how she needs to get some?” Lol um, can we say desperado lol. Grown or not, my parents would never allow me to act a fool like that on TV. Did you see when Snookie was on Wendy’s show explaining what “guidos & quidettes” mean? LOL! Those terms crack me up. I’m sorry the Italian American organization or whatever is protesting against the show but I agree with the characters on the show, if they don’t like the show, they shouldn’t watch, it’s not that serious. Idk why but I like the characters and there I don’t give an f attitude lol. I’m actually mad we have to wait 2 weeks for the next new episode, I was like darn! LOL. Poor Snookie getting punched, I saw the punch on Youtube over and over again trying to figure out why or what went wrong. Umm I hope Snookie is suing that P.E. teacher, you don’t go around punching ppl, esp. women. The chick was on the floor crying her eyes out, what the hell kind of crap is that? Love her or hate her, she didn’t deserve that and I actually felt sorry for the poor girl. Those ppl are WILD and whether the show is “staged” or “real”, it’s hilarious and I’ll definitely be tuning in every week to catch it.
happy holiday love! i want to see avatar on IMAX!!
Mrs. YF- did you see it, was it good?
Lee- don't tune it, I think that show is causing me to lose brain cells..lol SAVE YOURSELF!
Lauren I totally agree that what happened to Snookie was not right at all. in fact that drunkard was taking their drinks, and had the nerve to hit her...what a punk. And he hit her the way someone would hit another guy...yikes. Snookie is only about 2 feet tall and that guy was pretty big..smh. How is your hair coming along?
yummy I am going to see it at an IMAX theater tomorrow...yay can't wait.
Happy New Year Diva! I’m soooo happy 2009 is finally over lol. Did you change the format & outlook of your site? I Like it! Ok so I know I’m late but I saw Avatar yesterday afternoon. I thought the movie was LONG AS HECK lol but after awhile I see why it was long and I enjoyed it. It was different, not your average typical flick and I liked it. Wouldn’t be surprised if it wins best picture. It was good. About Jersey shore, LOL @ you saying you think its causing you to loose brain cells, smh. If that’s happening to you, lord knows what you must think it’s doing to me lmao. I still watch it every chance I get LOL. Did you see it last week? I really hope Snookie “gets some” soon bc she’s really putting herself out there. Yea, that dude sure did punch her like he was hitting a guy which is un cool, esp. since he was stealing their drinks! Can’t wait to see what happens this week. Omg I brought that Caress body wash with the brown sugar in it too a few weeks ago after Wendy raved about it on her talk show a few weeks back lol. I haven’t used it yet but after reading your review, I’m finally going to use it this week . Aww, thanks for asking about my hair woes, lol. My hair is actually doing A LOT better my stylists told me this past weekend while she was washing my hair. She said it felt much stronger & thicker than b4. I’ve been washing with Aubrey Organics products and deep conditioning with this heavy duty protein stuff by Dudley’s. That stuff is $ and I had to troop to BK to get it! (They didn’t sell it in any of the beauty stores by me). So I guess that stuff is working yayyyy! Lol. I really like the Aubrey products. I alternate washing with one moisturizing one week and one protein the other (I own about 6 of Aubrey’s shampoos lol). When I use the protein shampoo I still dc with Dudley’s and my hair isn’t “overloaded with protein.” My hair is fine so the more protein the better. I still pre-poo with that Olive You stuff by myhoneychild and this mud hair mask by Yes to Carrots (I sit under my heated cap for 30-45mins with them in my hair). I love that mud mask, its really moisturizing. The night before I wash my hair I also pre-poo with this protein mask by Aubrey Organics on dry hair. Love that stuff too. Plus I take a lot of vitamins including ones for my hair 2 to 3x a day so maybe that’s helping too lol. Omg that coco coconut leave-in daily cream by sheniette? I have it. LOVES IT! I’ve used it so much my bottle is half way gone! That stuff is the business lol, I saw you mentioned it on here. My friend saw I had and liked it and asked me where did I get it. 5 stars for that stuff baby lol. So as you can see I’m a BIG fan of Aubrey’s, their shampoos and conditioners have been helping my hair tremendously. Plus I don’t perm too often. I try to relax no more than 3x a year.
Lauren I am so happy that these products are working for you. Which mask you are using from Aubrey? OK did you see the Jersey shore preview for next week when Mike's sister comes for a visit. Why did Vinny say that she looks like Mike with a wig...I was cracking UP..lol. Sam is I guess the only semi normal one, Jwow seems sneaky and I wouldny trust her. WHen paulie was trying to get that DJ job she told the guy on the phone that he works venues that can hold 500. Ummm since when does that mean the club is actually filled to capacity? You may be in a place that can hold 500 but only 10 of my friends show up. I didn't see anything spectacular about his skills but whatever...they were still able to beat up the beat.lol Ronnie's mom looks like sam in a few years lol. Guys are ust running away from Snookie left and right..lol she should take a hint already.lol
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