Don't even think of purchasing the shower gel without including the matching body scrub. http://www.100percentpure.com/bodyscrubintro.html priced at $22
This product does not contain sulfates, alcohol or other harsh ingredients.
Indulge your body and your senses in this amazing product.
Word to the wise- Because the shower gels do not contain the harsh ingredients that you will find in traditional shower gels, the 100% Pure shower gel does not congeal. As you pour out the gel it will be more like a liquid than a gel. You can lose a great deal of the product by just pouring it haphazardly into your cloth or loofah.
You can purchase these products through the following stores:
You can also go to the actual Bath an Body Works store to make your purchase but please note you can only find this product at flagship Bath and Body Works stores. *
* A flagship Bath and Body Works store is one that carries products other than the Bath and Body Works line. Call your local BBW store to find out more about a flagship store near you.
Happy Bathing
Wow! Sounds like a good product, will have to check it ou
FUJI APPLE!! I love Fuji Apple. I think I'm going to try it. I'll get back to you and let you know what I think
Yes please try it I think you will really enjoy it.
Product Junkie Diva
Thanks for this! I also saw your youtube video then went on the site : this seems rock solid!
finally a makeup company that is starting to make sense.
I am curious to see the product on a dark skinned woman though because usually these brands don,t do well on that department?
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