Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Take One, Two, Three!

When I first tried "Clear Improvement", a charcoal facial mask from Origins, I thought of it as just a regular mask because I didn't see any amazing results. Once I read the directions on the tube I saw results, so reading is fundamental...go figure!
The directions instruct the user to first open your pores by putting warm water on your skin and then lather on the facial mask.

After following the directions I felt something different, almost immediately my skin began to tingle. It really felt as if my pores were being cleaned out by this mask. When I washed everything off, my skin looked normal perhaps a little dry in some areas but nothing too much out of the ordinary. At this point I formed my second opinion, that this product was just about a feeling but really was not going to do anything special to my skin. Each time after using this mask about a day later I would see a facial imperfection come to the surface, as if the mask had really drawn impurities out.
This happened on such a consistent basis that I must attribute my pore cleansing results to this product. Then came my third opinion...this stuff works!

You can buy a tube for 3.4 ounces priced at $20.00 from Origins http://www.origins.com/

If you sign up to receive emails from Origins, you will be alerted when they sell the econo sized version of this product 6.4 ounces also for $20.00.

Which facial masks work for you?

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