This blog is designed to allow me to discuss the many products that I purchase and test. Please feel free to leave comments or email me at
Friday, October 31, 2008
Just Like Butter & Shrinky Dinks
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I'm not feeling 100% today so I am not going to post on products. However I will leave you with a song that I really like by Jazmine Sullivan.
I hope you are all well.
See you tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Glide with me & HOA
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A Tube Around Your What?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Smelling good from head to toe.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Clear & Even also Hair stuff
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Hair & Reviews to Come
Soy Butter, Soy Milk, Raw Honey , Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Soy Bean oil, Corn Oil ,Distilled Water, Honey Essence Oil ..
OK so you get my point, you would buy it too wouldn't you?
The first thing I did was rip the tape off the product in order to get a good sniff. The scent alone made me close the bottle up, I really felt like putting the tape back on. I have to stress that it is not a bad scent just a very strong scent of PANCAKE SYRUP! Yup you read that correctly, good old Aunt Jemima syrup. Although I like smelling like sweet things I can do without smelling like a breakfast condiment. The consistency of this $18.00 product is very much like the Afrikoko product that I showcased in a recent video. I think the product works to moisturize your hair, and the scent doesn't stay around forever but I just can't get myself to open up that bottle again.
Is anyone out there using this product?
Maxi and Mini
Growth Aid Review
I also promised to review the BeeMine growth aids which I have- they have a nice scent but man oh man are they greasy. I find myself avoiding it because it is greasy but i will do my best to use it consistently especially since I am stretching my relaxer, then I will come back with a real BeeMine review.
Other StuffDid you see the Secret Life of Bees? If so, did you enjoy the film?
I really like Sophie O. as an actress, she did a marvelous job.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Skin Care, My New Gadget and HOA News
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Lemons please & Other News
Blissful or Not?
Friday, October 17, 2008
It smells good enough to eat!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Men Want It!
The line includes the Aveda Men Pure-Formance Aroma spray, a candle and Aveda Men Firm Hold Gel. The first thing that I noticed is that the gel is super light and not sticky at all so I wondered how well it would really work. I passed if off to a pal of mine and he gave the product two thumbs up. He said it works really well at keeping his hair in place yet it does not make his hair hard, in fact it doesn’t even look like he has a product in his hair. The $20.00 honey infused gel also contains uva/uvb protectors to guard against sun damage. The spicy scent of the hair gel comes from the essential oils of spearmint, citrus, vetiver and lavender.
I passed the cologne off to another friend and he quickly realized that the Pure-Formance spray was unlike the other scents that are in his current collection. I have to say that the product really smelled good on him. I know that the chemistry of an individuals body may play a part in the way a cologne smells, but this particular item really worked for him. I would describe the scent as woodsy which is probably because of the vertiver oil. The spray contains organic oils of lemon, orange, spearmint, lavender and vetiver. The plai oil used in this product was hand harvested and grown pesticide free in Thailand.
The spray is priced at $65.00.
P.S. Even the packaging that these products arrive in are made from recycled paper and the decorative designs on the cartons are made of soy ink.
I kept the candle for myself.
I guess this is the latest buzz on the market for men.
Which gifts for men do you have your eyes on?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Ramblings & A Review

You are looking at an 8 oz bottle of a product named "Natural Hair Humectants" from My Honey Child. This product is supposed to be a non oily product that hydrates your hair. Indeed, this product is not greasy at all, it basically feels like water. It is gentle enough to be used daily and it can also be used to detangle your hair. I do like that it is in a spray bottle and the ingredients are great but after the product dries I don't feel as if my hair remains hydrated. There are tons of better hydrating product from My Honey Child so I will not be buying this $18.00 product again.
Here are the ingredients:
Purified Water, Glycerin, Raw Honey , Black Cumin Seed oil, Macadamia Nut oil, Pumpkin Seed Oil, and Walnut Oil.
Did you watch last night? Who would have guessed that Nene and Sheree would patch things up so quickly-not me! Ummm what does Deshawn do? I totally knew that the woman she interviewed last week would not work out, the woman really didn't look like she wanted to be there. Lisa dominated that business meeting but allowed her hubby to come in for show and tell..cute.
I need Sheree's show guy to stop by my house!!!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Here is a swatch of the color:
P.S. I have some good posts coming up soon and a contest so stay tuned.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Hey Brown Sugar
Friday, October 10, 2008

Here is what you can win if you are selected as the beauty of the month:
A full photo feature on the Ohm Body front page website.
An Ohm Body Gift mailed right to her front door.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Mascara & Fear Not Thy Protein Treatment

What really prompted me to begin my revised hair journey in 2007 was the breakage that I experienced after protein overload. So while protein is necessary t o keep my hair strong I was moisturizing my hair and doing my best to ignore protein. I knew that my protein fast could not last for long and once I found the right balance between protein and moisture my hair began to thrive. A woman that I know had her hair shiny and flowing last week so I asked her what she used and she began raving about the Aphogee Protein treatment. I decided to pick it up but since it makes your hair hard and it has Professional Use Only scrawled across the back of the bottle I wanted to be extra careful. I watched a few youtube videos of women who have used the treatment and although they all seemed happy with the results I was nervous because they all stressed how carefully you need to follow directions, no shower caps on the head, don’t touch your hair while it’s hard etc. Now I posted a while back on the MOP protein treatment which did make my hair hard but from what I could tell, that treatment could not compare to the Aphogee treatment. I was intrigued so I made my purchase last weekend. The three items in the picture were sold together for $21.99. I am not experiencing any breakage but I an itching to test out this treatment. Have you used it while your hair was in good condition? If so please share your experience here.