This blog is designed to allow me to discuss the many products that I purchase and test. Please feel free to leave comments or email me at
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The relaunch &BET & A product Review
Monday, June 29, 2009
My New Zoya Nail Polishes & The BET Awards

The Zoya exchange program is great!
I forgot to mention the Zoya personal touch in the video. You get a little piece of paper teling you exactly who pagacked your item- thanks Chris :-).Oh and Beyonce sang well too. The adorable Keke Palmer even touched the mic for a second. Isn't she just a younger version of Angela Bassett? I am expecting great things from Miss. cutie pie KeKe- though I would love to see less makeup on her.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Product Review & Random information
I want to thank the wonderful financial blogger Mrs. Money Savvy for the informative comment she posted yesterday. Check out her comment here "Well blogging proceeds are income and all income must be reported and taxed. If a blogger uses an advertising service (such as Google AdSense), that revenue will be reported to the IRS if above $600/yr. Bloggers should be aware so that they're not hit with an unexpected tax bill."
Clearly I am not included in this category since my google ads yielded all of .50 since the inception of this blog but this is just an FYI for the rest of you money makers out there.
When I shop online whether it's for clothing, shoes or whatever I love to save money so I have no problem shopping the clearance sections. Another thing that I like to do is go to to see if there are any coupons that I can use before making an online purchase. This site has helped me to get 20% off or free shipping etc. Hey it all adds up so go ahead and shop while saving.
Side note- I went into Neman Marcus yesterday and it seemed like there were red tags everywhere with the text 30% off....but when the price is $300-$400 30% off didn't seem so appealing. I saw a few pairs of shoes that looked like the shoes from my post a few days ago about shoes and I have to say in person I wasn't so impressed. I really looked at the quality of some of the shoes and knew that it wasn't worth $100. Especially when it came to a sandal with a REALLY thin sole and barely any fabric so I have crossed some of those shoes off my wish list. Well if the price is really low or I see a great yet inexpensive knock off then I will get it. I left NM without anything and I felt good about it. I think this financial/ clean sweep challenge has made me a more discerning consumer.
On the Tube
Did you watch the end of College Hill? Any thoughts?
Will you watch the BET awards?
Housewives finale anyone???? They're are no Housewives of ATL which is probably why their season lasted all of two seconds. I am such a non violent woman but I don't know why I felt all warm inside after learning that Jacqueline once slapped
Transitioning Hair Creme review.
So for you relaxed heads, have you ever considered going natural but you're worried about the whole transitioning process? Naturals, are you looking for a product to stretch out your curls and define them? Perhaps this little product can help both groups out......
Monday, June 22, 2009
Product Watch and Shoes for Less. Changes for Bloggers? & On the Tube

What do you all think? Of course it's not a full size tube but you get enough to really know if this mascara will work for you.
Your Help
On a similar note, I have my eyes on some footwear that I NEED in my collection but I am hesitant to pay the current asking price. Have you seen these or similar styles reasonably priced anywhere?
These cuffed ankle shoes will cost me $117.00 at the moment.
Here are some cute flat sandals with a not so hot price tag of $89.00.
Yup I'm going to have to take these boots along too and they are currently priced at $103.00.Yes, I am the woman who normally hates ALL booties and shoes that even look like booties but I was drooling over these Via Spiga shoes priced at $215.00

Where are all of you ladies getting your shoes from?
Blogger News
I heard this morning on the radio that a in the near future bloggers may be required to report all gifts, products and money that they receive in connection with their blogging duties. Any thoughts?
On the Tube
Ok so I'm a young old lady, I sit at home watching the food network and sometimes I do it while kitting...ok SUE Anyway I am loving this season of the Next Food Network Star. I can really see a woman taking the crown this year and my favorite is 30 year old Jamika. Who stays true to her culinary instinct and Carribean roots.
I think the 3 finalists will come down to Jamika, Debbie Jeffery and if one of these three don't make it my wild card entry is Michael (if he can manage to stay focused). What do you think?

Bobby wanted to Throw DOWN
Renowned chef Bobby Flav came to NYC to challenge The Cakeman Raven to a red velvet bake off. If you have come to NYC or you are a lover of sweet treats, you probably heard about the cake man who RUNS NYC. I have never tasted red velvet as delicious as the cakeman's cake.
Bobby Flav of the food network came to NYC to battle it out red velvet against red velvet. Now slap me twice and call me in the morning because BOBBY FLAV won. Honestly, I think the judges were just in a bad mood or their taste buds were off because the RAVEN is the MAN. Even Bobby said he is not sure how he won! He also said he wants to start ordering the Raven's cakes for his restaurant. Well although you didn't win the throwdown you're still the Cakeman of NYC. Am I still on the fat smash diet? I now crave that cake...LOL
Friday, June 19, 2009
Double Post- Response to a reader and Miss Jessie's conditioner
What are you gettting into this weekend?
Have a great weekend.......
Click the pic to see the full ingredients list:
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Helpful Sample & Simple yet Chic

I love Joy's idea of the non traditional wedding cake...I would totally do this would you?

What do you consider to be the items to splurge on for your wedding?
For the rest of the pics from Joy's wedding check out it out here
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Everything Natural isn't golden!
Here is a review of a NATURAL deodorant that I purchased.....
Monday, June 15, 2009
Peaches for your tresses & It's Hammer Time & Your advice

How can you look at this picture and resist making this purchase????? A while ago I purchased the Juicy Peach Kernel Natural Hairdressing Creme from Darcy's Botanicals. When the maker of these products said she wanted a product that would reminded her of the peach pomade her mother used on her scalp as a child I was sold. Give me a product that smells like sweet peaches and it can seal in my moisture this is almost too much to handle. This $12.00 4oz jar will last you for a very long time because you seriously need just a dab. I have had this product for months and my jar is perhaps half way empty now. As you rub it between your fingers you see that it is an oily product which is why only a little is needed.
I can see myself buying this product well into the future. It is marketed for "locs, braids, twists, waves, afro, and even relaxed hair".
Ingredients: Peach kernel oil, vegetable thickener and conditioning oils.
DB products are handmade natural goodies whipped to perfection.
Have you tried this product?
On the Tube
If you are old enough, you remember huge pants, shiny shoes and fast foot work as symbols of the MC. Hammer era. As the story goes, he was such a generous man to his friends and family members that he eventually met his financial demise. Well it may be Hammer time all over again because he has a reality show which started last night. I totally missed it but I was planning on supporting him by watching. Did you watch MC Hammer and his family last night on A&E?
I managed to see a little bit of the Cleaner over the weekend but I couldn't catch the end. It's based on a true story of a man who is an interventionist. He does what he has to do to get people off of drugs. The lead role is played by the always dapper Benjamin Bratt......enough said...I will be checking my local
Advancing in the workplace
It seems like Essence magazine always has an article that features tips that one can use to get that promotion on the job. After reading the article I don't know which woman wouldn't feel empowered to walk into an office to confidently and respectfully get her due. Well on a somewhat personal note, I have a co worker who has been demanding her due almost as long as I've been alive but to no avail. On a positive note, she gets her work done and is known for her efficiency. However, each time she has walked into her supervisors office asking for a promotion she leaves with promises that have yet to be fulfilled. She has had a few different supervisors over the years with each one commending her on a "job well done" and making comments like you need to become the (insert better title here) but they never follow through. Other than packing up and heading out the door, which I don't think she is prepared to do at the moment, what can she do to get more respect while collecting the money she deserves? What have you done?
Relaxed Hair
Did you check Tracyee out this weekend over at KISS? If not mozy on over now and look at her progress...I already told her I need those shoes in my Congrats Tracyee.
Friday, June 12, 2009
$30.00 off for PJD readers & A Hair Product review
My review is below but first I want to tell you about a special offer. Alicia from Whooga.Com is offering $30 towards any purchase made on the store sight. Whooga boots look just like Ugg boots to me so if you want a pair you can get $30.00 off. Here is what Alicia had to say "All your readers need to do is visit our website at and enter the code PRODUCTJUN into the box in the cart. There are no conditions on it and we do ship to all countries."
I have never purchased Whooga boots but if you do come back and let me know how they feel.
Thanks Alicia
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Special Delivery
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
On your Face or Body & Stop TEASING ME! & My Black is Beautiful

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Love this cleanser

Friday, June 5, 2009
Ultimate Style Protect Review & Soap of the day
There was another great suggestion but I forgot it...sorry.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Juice Beauty, Random chatter &Your Chance to Win Kissable Couture

On the Tube
Unfortunately, the charismatic man who DOMINATED the catwalk, Sandhurst, didn't win "Make me a Supermodel", but second place is nothing to sneeze at...congrats Sandhurst!

Please check out this video if you want a chance to win the entire Kissable Couture line...well at least what they have in stock at the time the winner is selected. Click Here for the Kissable Couture Contest video
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Hair Product Rant and Naked Cosmetics
I promise you this order was made before I started the financial/ clean sweep challenge.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The decision & The Challenge

As you may recall from my last haul video I purchased the super sudsy slip shampoo from Miss Jessies. I tried the shampoo and I was looking to see if this would prove to be the " best darn detangling shampoo period" as the bottle proclaims. I noticed that my almost 10 week post hair was being detangled with relative ease but something far more appealing caught my attention. Whenever I shampoo my hair, after washing out the product I take a towel and gently remove excess water so that the conditioner can really reach my hair. When I removed that excess water believe me when I tell you my hair was as soft as any shampoo has ever made it feel. Dare I say that my hair has never felt that soft after it's been shampooed. I literally wanted to skip the conditioner and just dry my hair hoping that it would maintain that level of softness after it dried. I decided to go ahead and use the conditinder but I was so pleased with the shampoo. So what's the big decision I had to make? Well take a peek at the ingredients list on the other picture, see anything wrong? You can click the picture to enlarge the photo to get a better view. Yes, you may have noticed that chemicals and parabens are running a muck all up and through the ingredients list. The ingrediets are sooooo not in line with the natural products I like to use. It took me a while to make a decision between buying products with not so good ingredients that give me great hair vs. natural products that give me good results but may not be as effective. Well sadly I have to report that I purchased 4 more bottles of this shampoo lol I know, I know, you don't have to say a word hence my financial /clean sweep challenge below LOL. However, after my 4 bottles which I plan to use sparingly, are done I'm back to natural ingredients!!!!!
What would have been your decision?
Do you use Miss Jessies products?
If you don't want to watch the video below, the recap of what the videos addresses is below the videos.
1) After paying for your necessities like your mortgage, light bill etc. you must save at LEAST 80% of the remaining money. Certainly you can save more but try your best to stick with the percentage that you select for the entire month of June.
So if you have $300 after paying for your NEEDS then you will save at LEAST $240 which means you will have $60 to play with.
2) Here is the clean sweep portion of the challenge- if you buy an item that you can classify as a want not a need then you have to give away two items of the same type. For example, if I decide to get a new nail polish I have to give away two polishes. Doing this will hopefully eliminate unnecessary purchases while reducing the number of items that we have.
IF you can think of any other rules please let me know.
I will do this for the entire month of June and I hope you will join me. Keep a tally of how much you have saved by the end of June and keep track of how much clutter you eliminated.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Body Stuff & A Challenge

My Honey Child- I promise to put in a better pic later :-)