Hi Everyone I'm back. Please check the video below for an important reminder.
This blog is designed to allow me to discuss the many products that I purchase and test. Please feel free to leave comments or email me at product_junkie_queen@yahoo.com
Friday, May 29, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Have a great week.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Stay Put- Random & In the Theaters

Ingredients: organic castor oil, organic coconut oil, brazilian passionfruit oil, organic shea butter, brazilian ucuuba fruit butter, beeswax, and fragrance. It costs $12.00.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Get your protein on & Random Items

Since this is an Aubrey Organics product, you may already know that the products are free of parabens, sulfates, petrochemicals and other bad ingredients. This particular product is a protein conditioner and shampoo, designed to strengthen your hair while giving you great shine. It has rosemary in it so it has more of a peppermint scent-- thought I should mention that in case that rocks your boat.
So I used the shampoo and my hair felt clean but not silky, like I would not attempt to run my comb through my hair after using that shampoo. HOWEVER if you notice, there is a special word on the bottle of the conditioner, it says it is a "BALANCING" conditioner. Indeed, it balanced out the feeling that I got from the shampoo and turned my hair into pieces of silk. As soon as I applied that conditioner to my hair I was running my fingers all through my tresses. When my hair finally air dried, it was shiny and it felt like my hair was made of titanium. I mean I was combing through my new growth like I was two weeks post :-). I will certainly buy this again and again. Just about all of the Aubrey shampoos and conditioners cost around $10 but I think this one was a little more.
Below you will see this product, which has nothing to do with beauty but I feel the need to talk about it. This Glade room fragrance smells great but only when your nose is practically pressed up against the jar. Gee Whiz can you get it together Glade, I am so not happy with this product since it didn't leave my room with its delicious scent.

Yummy Yum Yum

I just tried the Bold Apple tic tacs last week. DELICIOUS. They are so tasty that I went back to Duane Reade this week and just picked up a tray of it, 12 in total ( I had already taken a few out of the case by the time I had taken this pic).
The Fat Smash Diet is wonderful by the way!!!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Talk to Me Baby & Don't KISS this Opportunity Goodbye

At The Makeup Show prices are drastically reduced so this palette which usually costs around $40 cost me $15-$17 (no receipt so i don't exactly recall which price but I know it was either of these numbers). The kit also comes with a tiny manual and a lip brush.

Which company produces your perfect red?

Monday, May 18, 2009
The Makeup Show -NYC

He gave me his number 1 makeup tip-----DRUM ROLL PLEASE.......
Friday, May 15, 2009
Body & Hair & on the Tube & The Winner IS

After using this conditioner my hair was soft and I did have slip but I don't know if I would go so far as to say it received ULTIMATE SLIP....I mean the slip was there but it wasn't outstanding but it was better than average.
Alex was reserved and during one scene acted as the mediator between Bethenny and Kelly. From what I saw Jill made out pretty well on the show.
He was ready to throw down over some ribs, calling Allison an accessory to the crime...lol

I am so sorry that I forgot to mention that
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
How do you do it? & On the Tube???

I have Natural on the left and Walnut on the right. Initially they both looked off to me so I had no idea how this would turn out. After my first stage of blending I got this:

Walnut if indeed the winner and I love the way it looks so smooth. If I had blended even more it would have probably looked better. Now here is the great news this foundation is SUPER LIGHT!! It really felt like I had nothing on my skin.
Product Info- Like many Tarte products this foundation is free of parabens, petro-chemicals,phthalates, sulfates, fragrance, dye and talc. Ok Tarte I'm scared of you with your natural goodness ..lol Find out more about this product here.
This foundation is also supposed to increase the elasticity of skin by 43% after 4 weeks, and reduce lines and wrinkes by 67% after 6 weeks. You should see an improvement in the moisture level in your skin by 52.8% in only 15 minutes after application. I can't really cosign on this talk of more moisture because my hands pretty much felt the same after 15 minutes.
This foundation costs $37.
So how do you determine your perfect shade? Do you just go through a bunch of trail and error?
**Edit- I forgot to mention that this product includes spf!!!**
On the Tube
I believe the Housewives reunion starts tonight or maybe I'm just making that up.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Changing the Process

Regardless of the many facial products that I would purchase, the actual process of face washing remained the same-until now.
During my first trip to Lush, I purchased the Ultra Bland cleanser, a product that claims to it can make your skin glow.
The Lush associate placed the smallest dollop of this cleanser on my hand and used a damp cotton ball to remove the product. However, when I went home and used this product before going to bed I had to scream from the mountain tops that I HATED this cleanser. Instead of revealing silky skin as the Lush associate did in the store hours prior, I had a grease filled face.

I looked at the website which recommends removing this product with a warm damp cloth and I remembered that the Lush associate didn't throw my hand under the running water to remove the product. The next day I put this ultra greasy product on my skin and rubbed it all around then used a warm damp cloth to remove the cleanser and WHOA HELLO Hydration! My skin was super soft, glowing and it felt moisturized. I literally didn't need any moisturizer so I totally skipped that and my skin wasn't upset about it. All I had to do was wash my face using this new process and it all worked out.
The only problem is that the product size is so small for $14.45, but at least you only need a little so this product should last for a while.
I must also mention that this product is also a great makeup remover!

From Lush I also purchased the creamy new Porridge soap and I love it. The oats gently exfoliate my skin as the creamy soap melts on my skin. Look at all the OATS!!!!!! This soap cost me about $8.44 but you can ask them to cut you a smaller slice if you wish.
You will have oats in your tub after you are done using this soap so be prepared.

Friday, May 8, 2009
Thank you

I think you are supposed to name 5 sexy things about yourself and then tag 5 bloggers.
my list:
- eyes
- ambition
- compassion
- loyalty
- dedication
Ok I know my list is corny..lol
I will tag
Fab E
Miss Yaya
The product review is in the next post!!!!
Long Lasting indeed

I tried out the Maybelline SuperStay lip color and it stays on for hours. As usual with these lip

The pic on the left was taken before I placed the gloss over the lip color. The pic on the right shows the shiny version of this gloss.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Pocket Friendly

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Rub a Dub in the tub - Ribgate& Housewives

I purchased my large size bottle at CVS for roughly $5.00 (it was on sale).

This lovely shoe was designed by Shäri Gray, the latest shoe making sensation on the rise. Check out her interview and more of the shoes on Clutch Mag.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
My hair says- thanks DB

Monday, May 4, 2009

Now you may be wondering why I have the letters EFA in the title of my post so here is the EFA low down:
EFA stands for essential fatty acids, which is needed by your skin to remain healthy. What's important to note is that our bodies don't produce EFAs so we must get those needed fatty acids through the things we eat. EFAs can assist with the regulation of our cells which directly impacts healthy skin. Those who do not have high enough levels of EFAs have experienced problems with their skin such as eczema and psoriasis as well as hair loss!
Now while I pop a few Omega 6 and Omega 3 pills, I will be sure to rub this 42% EFA rich Peach Kernel Oil on my skin.
The 4oz bottle is sold for $12.00 and I am buying it for SURE.
Please Note-Those who eat fresh fish (not fried) keep it up because that is one way of getting in your EFA's. So for all of you non fish eaters, how are you loading up on your EFAs?
Friday, May 1, 2009

Now for the darker application- It makes me feel like the Joker from Batman. Geesh I just can't rock red lips....this was quickly wiped off before heading out into the public..lol. I will mix Diablo with browns to get the perfect hue.