I will let you in on a little secret, some women want their hair to grow and they will go through non traditional measures to get that growth. A line of products exist for horses that women have been using to make their hair grow. I knew immediately that this product would never touch my hair but I still followed the progress of some women and they indeed experienced growth, fast growth. One of the popular bottles mentions that it will make your animals coat shiny and the HOOFS will grow much faster. I kid you not, when I read that I just about passed out.
Personally I think my hair grows at the normal rate (about 1/2 inch each month) and I'm happy with that but as you know I started taking biotin to see what other results I could gain in a healthy way.
My sister went and bought Ovation, which is from the same company that created all of the products for horses. I got on my soap box and told her we should never try anything intended for animals when she informed me that Ovation was created for humans. Out of the demand for a line for humans the company created ovation which is supposed to be a healthy line that will make your hair grow faster, and stronger. I was super skeptical but I went to the website to read the testimonials (which I knew would be positive) and I read more about the product. I then did searches online and on message boards to see what results women received. I also checked for those who had been using it for a while to see if any side effects became evident. I mean how often does a company directed at animals create a hair care line for women. I didn't want to wake up to discover I was growing a tail or something crazy like that..lol
Everything seemed to check out so I decided to give Ovation at least one try. I washed with the shampoo and it has Sodium Laureth Sulfate (also found in your typical body washes and hand soaps) which I stay away from but I wanted to use the entire line to get a feel for the product. After using the blue shampoo of death, my hair felt completely stripped, I mean like one of those cars you may have passed by on the street that sit high atop bricks no wheels no car doors, nothing, just a shell of what it used to be. My hair was NAKED!
In short, I hated it and knew that I would never use it again, it was squeaky clean which actually isn't a good thing, you never want your hair to be stripped of all it's natural oils.
Then on to the cell therapy product which I kept on my hair for over an hour (that is for intense treatment) and then the final product called the cream rinse.
When I washed it all out, I almost headed back to the shower to drown my hair in Aveda damage Remedy but I decided to ride it out to see what mess my hair would look like, I wanted PICTURES of the disaster.
I had the hardest time parting my hair which the company promised would be soft - NOPE rough and tough. So I didn't part my hair I just tried to separate it as best I could and roll it, it may have been the sloppiest rollerset I have ever done. SOrry to keep making Aveda comparisons but once I use Aveda I can part my hair and it is really soft, so easy to get through even when I am weeks and weeks post relaxer.
I sat in rollers waiting for it to dry and as it dried it became SHINY and SOFT. HUH? How di

d that happen? I was really surprised.
End Results- Never will I use the shampoo again but I will use the cell therapy to see if it makes it grow faster (my little test) in between my regularly scheduled Aveda washings. Aveda has done for my hair what no other product line has done, so I will be a loyal customer but I am not afraid to try new things every now and then.
The next day my hair was soft, shiny very bouncy and my curls held up very well.
Ovation Shampoo- $24.95
Ovation Cell Therapy- $56.95 (this one is for growth)
Ovation Creme Rinse$29.95
What is the worst hair product you have ever used? Any reviews you would like to share?