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At Target I found this lovely eyeliner brush by Studio Tools for only $1.97. I know that some people have really expensive MAC brushes but if you don't have the money to afford those brushes, there is always a cheaper find out there. When I play around at home with different looks I use this brush and not a hair has come out yet. It is firm enough to apply the product but it is not too flimsy.
For someone just starting out with makeup this may be a good starter brush.
What is the major difference have some of you noticed between expensive brushes and cheap brushes? (I don't mean the cheap brushed that fall apart I mean the good cheap brushes, do they still pale in comparison to the expensive tools?)
Any cheap brands that you recommend?
Another post is below.
i got all my makeup brushes except for one from target. i cant recall the brand, sorry. i think they work great though. hairs just started coming out after 2-3 years and that was only 1 or 2.
You are the best! I went shopping for brushes on Friday and my mom dragged me out of sephora saying I couldn't spend that much on brushes when I could just go to target,lol. I was wondering if they would be any good but I guess so! (Unless my mom paid you to write this!)
Target's Studio Tools brushes are the best! I own quite a few of them. I do own a few MAC brushes as well (mostly for the face) but I do not believe I that I can't find better and cheaper dupes. Sonia Kashuk, also sold at Target are GREAT too! Brushes are an investment....at least the pricey ones.
Hey PJD,
I will definately make a trip to Target for the brushes. The ones I have are super CRAPPY! lol Thanks for the info!
i have some studio tools brushes...i use the foundation ones on my clients since i need multiples and i can't tell a difference...the only thing is that they dont have specific eyeshadow brushes that i need...i.e. crease or pencil brushes.
to be honest i dont think its the price i think its the way its made. i have some of those target brushes that i have had for years. i love essence of beauty. i have mac and avon, its hit or miss. coastal scents sucks and my brushes are still shedding from them!
@Antithesis -thanks for the backup...that is great to know I love getting items for less.
@TM LOL nope no payment was received from your mom..lol you are too much.
@B yes I was surprised the brush was as good as it was.
@Just Wondering-yes girl head to Target. It's really cheap and good quality.
@Renren this is good to hear coming from a makeup artist. A brush just for the crease?? wow I am learning everyday.
@Justme yes I remember your costal scents brush review. I will check of essence of beauty.
Thanks for reading everyone.
I use Sonia Kashuk brushes at Target. I am pleased with them. Once, when there was a Lord and Taylor going out of business, I bought some brushes. They were fantastic. I'm sure M.A.C. brushes are superior, but for the little bit I do with make up, Target works best for my budget.
@Fruglalista Welcome back!!!! Target Rocks!
I've got a few expensive brushes and many from Duane Reade. Honestly, I don't think there is a difference.
I just saw a few videos on you tube with Loew Cornell Maxinne paint brushes compared to MAC brushes for a fraction of the cost. I'm headed to Michaels tonight to see what I can find.
@DE thanks
@Nemesis please let me know how it works for you.
my qualms come down to the eye brushes ... i need blending brushes to be soft, dense and just do the job.. i need angle brushes to be firm and narrow.. sometimes, these are all very hard to come by and i'll pay a pretty penny to get them.
@yummy You are the pro so I know you know what you are talking about.. thanks for the info.
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