Last week I attempted the Master Cleanse program but I failed. I know that people usually refer to this process as the Master Cleanse diet (or lemonade diet), but in reality it is a way to cleanse your body of toxins etc. and as a result people do lose weight. This cleansing involves drinking a lemonade-like concoction which will rid your body of impurities as you shrink your waistline. The Master Cleanse has been around for many years and has continued to gain popularity as Beyonce and other celebrities use this program. Here is a link if you would like to see the recipe or learn more about the
Master Cleanse.
I must say that although I failed at the cleansing program last week I didn't eat bad foods, I actually indulged in fruits and some veggies, (a little meat too). This week I am going to up my fruit and water intake and reduce the amount of meat that I will eat for the week.
Have you tried the Master Cleanse program? Do you detoxify your body to remain healthy?
AW PJD, I feel like I let you down. I wanted to do it with you, but I have to wait a few weeks. It is a grueling but worthwhile process. When I did it, my skin cleared up and my sense of smell was heightened. I lost about 7 pounds. Maybe we can try it again?
I have not tried it fully, many friends have and it worked for two the others stopped after 5 days.
It does work but it takes a lot of dicipline, the people who stopped had a lot going on at work life etc, but even after the 5 days they felt a change.
I suggest eating majority fruits, veggies and througout the day and a meal of a lot of steamed veggies meat of your choice and brown rice or millet.
Giiiiiirl, I’ve done the Master cleanse twice. Once this year and once last year. Last year it was incredible! I lost 12 lbs (and kept it off) and my skin and hair were cleaner and clearer. It was an amazing experience both mentally and physically. I actually went vegetarian after that b/c my body rejected meat
This year, however, I lasted only 2 days. LOL! I think b/c I was doing it with a friend who wasn’t the best supporter. The next time you do it, do it with someone who can motivate you. Or do it alone. It is really more mental than physical. It is amazing how un-hungry I felt throughout the cleanse. The next time you want to do it, let me know! I definitely want to do it again and I’ll pass you my online journal (yes chile, I have a journal for everything) that logged my experience. Reading other peoples’ journeys also helped me know what to expect.
I have never done the Master Cleanse before, but I have been thinking about trying it.
I really don't feel like I need to lose a lot of weight quickly, but I do need to get rid of toxins. I get sporadic breakouts that are probably caused by my diet so I could use a good cleanse. Thanks for inspiring me to try it!
i tried the lemonade diet a couple years ago and i made it through 5 days. i ended up going shopping with a friend and was dizzy and i broke down and ate a real meal. i decided this was not for me...
I haven't tried it, PJD. But after reading about it, I may give it a shot this week.
My mom tried it, but she used to cheat. I would see her drinking diet coke after drinking the lemonade stuff, lol. I'm not sure if she actually lost any weight.
I want to try this. I've heard lots of stuff on it. Is this the one where you add hotsauce or cayenne pepper to it?
I would like to try this. Lose a little poundage before I go on my cruise. But most importantly, to detoxify.
@Frugalista No you did not let me down at all. In fact the first time I did the MC I did it alone and it worked out well. I was just not as disciplined as I should have been. Yes we can certainly try it again but for this week I will probably do my little fruit based cleansing since I purchased so much fruit this weekend.
@Calming Corners I agree discipline is needed. I like your suggestion and I am on it.
@B girlllll I used to be a vegetarian it was before MC though. After that experience beef and all of that other stuff was out because my body wasn't having it. Now I eat chicken only, sometimes a little turkey but that is it. Yes we should rock out on the MC together, maybe the three of us (Frugalista, B and PJD). I did read journals the first go around and it was helpful and my skin was BEAUTIFUL.
@BGG you don't have an ounce to lose you look great but for cleansing purposes this thing rocks.
@Antithesis 5 days is a good long stretch, but you have to know what will work for you and this is certainyl not for everyone so I am glad you ate your meal..lol Did you feel sick after eating the meal because I know there is a certain way you have to get off of this cleaning process.
@PBW oooh please tell me how it works out for you.
@Theraputic Mu. yes diet coke is not a part of the plan..lol your mom was remixing the MC. lol :-)
@jamie yes the MC uses the cayenne pepper if you give it a try please let me know how it works for you.
@Jewells have a great time on your cruise!! I have a wedding to attend soon and another event so I want some weight off but I am really doing this to cleanse my body.
Thanks for reading everyone.
Product Junkie Diva
i have never tried it..
diets don't work for me. I love food too much..for me, moderation is key;)
I don't really like the idea of the master cleanse. I feel like there are a lot of other ways to loose weight and depleting your body of necessary nutrients should not be one of them. It's a craze now though. Everyone is trying it.
beyonce used this to get her weight down on dream girls...sounds tempting but i dont think it's a permanent solution
@Amina yes moderation is key but I do like a cleansing every now and then it really does help.
@DE I know that some people use this just to lose weight quickly but it is beneficial if used properly. The claim is that the pepper and special maple syrup should provide your body with the needed nutrients....at least I hope that's the truth..lol
@Renren well yes if a person were to return to craxy eating habits then all of the cleansing and ahrd work would go down the drain.
Product Junkie Diva
Ok I think I'm gonna try this but why do I feel scared. I'm going to be honest. I can't do this if I'm not close to a bathroom! So I'll have to wait till the end of August when I have a break.
Just Wodnering Dont be scared we can do this girl... :-) Yes you will need a bathroom...hehehe
Product Junkie Diva
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