I do like that this conditioner is a liquid in a spray bottle so it goes on with a few simple squirts. Those who like the scent of vanilla will be happy with this hair product that promises to give you shine, the ability to detangle and moisturize your hair.
This product did not shine my hair at all but I ignored that because of the great ingredients like nettle, sage and rosemary. It didn't moisturize my hair much either because my hair would become dry again not long after I had sprayed on this product. It was good at detangling my hair when it was wet so I used it mainly as a detangler.
This product costs $11.50 for 8 counce but I would not make this purchase again. I know some people love this product and that is great but for me it didn't work well enough to motivate me to buy this again. However, it isn't a horrible product and the ingredients rock so I won't throw it in the skip it files.
What is your favorite Carol's Daughter hair product? How did it work for you? If you have never tried anything from the line is there a product you have been thinking about purchasing from the line?
I will be away for most of the day again but I will check out your great blogs later and respond to your comments from yesterdays post.
Thanks so much for reading I appreciate you all.
You know what? I have this thing about Carol's Daughter. I don't get the hype! Seriously! I was so excited when the line came out but I have never been extremely happy with any of the products. I do like the Tui Hair Oil and Lisa's Elixir but I'm not IN LOVE with them. And it may be because my Mother, the herbalist can make dern near the same products but CD has never made me swoon.
But I think it's just me because it is a pretty popular line....and I'll buy a product every now and then to support the people.
alot of people I know really don't like Carol Daughter Products. someone told me about another line that supposed to be amazing called warm spirit. It's supposed to be like Carols daughter before she became huge.
I still use the Hair Milk, but the consistency has really changed. I remember when I first went natural six or seven years ago I loved that the different ingredients were kind of separated. But it's so different now. I like this other line of products called Karen's Body Beautiful, there's a shop in Brooklyn, as well as an online store. It's also cool that they make the products instore so you can see what they're putting in them.
I actually have some of that leave in conditioner. The scent it cools, I really haven't noticed any difference since using it and I probably won't buy any more. I love the Hair Milk, it's a bit costly, but it's one of my splurge hair items.
I tried the Rosemary Mint shampoo and it matted my hair like crazy. I'll never buy that again.
I've tried the sexy belly, seems just like vasealine to me. And like wise for the hair balm, just regular grease to me.
When I first heard about the product line I was excited and made a few purchases, mainly lotions, when I visited NY. Now the only thing I'll purchase is the Hair Milk.
girl...i cant get with that leave-in no more either. i used to love it but it does nothing for my hair anymore. i love the tui hair smoothie but i didnt purchase it because they want $19 for it. i might break down after i get my first check. it does wonders for my hair when i wear it naturally. my hair is moisturized and my curl pattern is maintained. but yea, the vanilla thing is just for the scent until i run out and i will not be buying it again.
I've never used Carol's Daughter. I know this may sound shady, but it seemed odd that they had Mary J. Blige as a model for it. Mary is my favorite artist, but she tends to wear false hair. I know Carol has more than hair-care products, but it always seemed odd.
Mary J. Blige as a model for MAC's Viva Glam was a perfect match.
I've never tried any Carol's Daughter hair products, so I can't add my 2 cents. I am a fan of their Mango Body Butter though.
Thanks for your take on the product!
I am sorry you don't like it anymore.
The thing with her leave-in conditioner is that she uses vodka as a preservative, which is alcohol and very drying. So it is no surprise that after a few hours, your hair is dry
I am pretty much done all her hair products. From time to time in the spring, i will go back to her khoret amen oil but it is basically infused olive oil and now i can't even stand its smell...
Like what some people said, her products have changed a lot even her body products.
i still have her manicure in a jar but i have to admit that i got it a sephora since i was 11 points away for my next reward...
the only thing that i can myself repurchase is the almond cookie fragrance..other than that, i wish her well but will not continue doing business with her...
The only item I have by CD is her khoret amen oil and her daily hair pomade. I use the oil in my pre poo mix and the pomande I'm just trying to finish lol
I used to use their Mimosa Hair Honey, but I don't anymore. It's just too greasy.
I get sucked in by their amazing buzz, promo and company theme, but their stuff is kinda blah.
co-sign on the promos pictures
i receive her catalogs and as soon as i read the descriptions, it really encourage you to pull out the mastercard..
her catalogs are gorgeous! I kept the one she had around for Valentine hair, with love cookbook...and love butter. simply beautiful :)
It has been hard for me to get into CD products b/c a lot of them are super smelly! I know the ingredients are great for my hair but geesssh do they smell. I have two items from CD that I can tolerate her healthy hair butter which I use only on my scalp b/c I'm not crazy about the smell and refuse to throw it away I don't like being wasteful. And I have the Tui Leave-In Conditioner that I spray on my hair before roller setting it. The Tui has a nice floral scent to it. Thats all I can stand from CD.
@B you are right and while I wish her the best I just don't see myself purchasing her products. I blogged about her glosses a while back and few other her other product but I am glad she includes good ingredients. Your mom is a herbalist...girlllll we have to mix up some concoctions under her guidance.
@DE I have to look into this other company...thanks
@Southern girl when hair milk first came out I LOVED it but after a while I soon found products that worked better on my hair. It would be a shame if she has changed the quality that she had at first.
@laughing I have some of the products you mentioned. I am in agreement with your comment except I wont be buying the hair milk anymore.
@Antithesis yes the only thing it does for me is leave a scent and make my hair lookk dry after a short while..lol
@Frugalista LOl you are too funny. I saw Mary on Tyra and she was mainly promoting the products for the body and feet...but I know what you mean..lol
@BGG I dont know that I tried that product but I am pleased that you found something you like.
@nywele I wish her well also but no more of my money will go her way unless she gets a new product that looks great. I still have my hand scrub also :-) and you are right her porduct marketing is great, makes you want to buy everytime..
@Just Wondering i used her elixer as a pre poo when I was trying to get rid of it.too oily.
@PBW I foung it to be too greasy also. I know pleanty of people who like that one but it is not for me.
Thanks for all of your great comments ladies.
Product Junkie Diva
Me no like the products. I went to her store recently while in New York. I had planned to buy a bunch of stuff, but once in there and smelling around, I didn't see what all the hype was about.
I had used the hair butters and pomades before. They left my hair feeling real greasy/heavy and my hair kept attracting lint and dust particles. It was also hard to wash out.
It's the ingredients that always has me wanting to make a purchase. That and like others have stated...the marketing.
I used to be an independent consultant for Warm Spirit. Let me know if you have any questions about it.
I can't really get with Carol's Daughter either. I use it on my fiance's niece's hair and it helps so at least my money wasn't wasted.
@Jewells yes I was left feeling greasy as well with some of those products. Good to know I have a former Warm Spirit contact reading this blog...thanks :-)
@TMusings - At least you didn't waste your money...great.
Thanks for reading ladies.
Product Junkie Diva
I'm going to leave the same comment here that I just left at Afrobella.
I don’t have a problem with the price of Carol’s Daughter products because compared to other non-drugstore products I use, the price is pretty reasonable. Companies base price (in part) on the ingredients used. That’s what sets them apart. If you find a similar product giving you the same or better result, by all means go for it!
I have not written about Carol’s Daughter extensively, but I did, they were products that I genuinely liked. I love the Jamaican Body Punch body oil and the Unscented Hand & Body Jelly. Really love that stuff. I liked the Healthy Butter when I first went natural, but Miss Jessie’s baby buttercreme and IC Fantasia Gel worked better.
I remember Carol’s Daughter from living in Brooklyn so I don’t mind the hype behind their company at all. Like anyone else, you will like some things and not like others so I don’t think it’s fair to call them overrated. Just well-funded, marketed and distributed and I have no problem with that.
@Nichelle I do agree that everything is not for everyone. I can apprecaite what CD has created for herself. And when you use great ingredients then certianly the price will and should increase. I don't think that she should lower her prices at all in face companies with horrible ingredients charge more money so i hope she gets all that she deserves. I do have her hand scrub and other items that have a purpose in my life, but every item in her line does not work for me.
Thanks for reading.
Product Junkie Diva
I love the Blk Vanilla Leave In. I use it when I'm doing my two strand twist and to refresh my fro. I love it.
But I have to admit a that I wasn't to happy with the Mimosa Hair cream. I didnt like the way it smelled. I also tried one of the bath oils which I love. Then I remember there a product just like it that you can get at Wal-mart. I forget the name but it one of the oils that you can just on your hair or in your bath
@Anonymous I have never tried the bath oil but they look pretty good.
Thanks for reading
Product Junkie Diva
I don't dislike CD, but I have to admit the only product that I love is the Healthy Hair Butter. I've tried using butters from the "others", but they sucked big time. I use it on dry hair on big twists to create a fluffy, twistout fro. It soaks in better this way. I'm not fond of the smell. Most of CD has that earthy/incensey scent that I can't stand, but I'll deal with it until something better comes along.
Unfortunately, due to extremely high costs for her products I can't experiment much and must only get what I need and KNOW benefits me.
@Marylin yes I think it really comes down to finding what works for you and sticking with that.
thanks for reading
Product Junkie Diva
I really like Carol's Daughter products. However it is very frustrating that they seem to never keep their products in stock. You begin to like a product then it is out of stock for months at a time.
Last summer they did not have the browning oil until September. This doesn't make sense when the product is supposed to be used to protect against UV rays.
If they want people to buy their products they should at least keep them in stock.
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