Do you leave the trimming of your hair to a professional or do you take matters into your own hands? I perform a process commonly referred to as "search and destroy". Basically I search for any ends that need to go and cut those ends
only. Yes, it will take more time than doing a blunt cut but it also helps to prevent cutting off hair that does not need to go. Some people feel that your hair will be really uneven if you employ this method, but if you take great care of your hair you shouldn't have to trim too much.
So who handles the cutting of your tresses?
I used to go to a stylist but they're always scissor happy!
i don't trust myself with a pair of scissors
so i haven't trimmed in a year...
i haven't cut my hair in a minute. But I would never cut my own hair. lol, too scared
When I had a perm I always let the stylist cut the hair. But now I'm like Amina. I have trimmed in probably over a year too.
I do the search and destroy too, it's only a little portion of the hair that has to go.
I get mine professionally cut. I hate it. Very few people can truly cut. I'll be going about a year without a cut.
in the past, i have been known to chop my own hair off out of frustration. most recently, i went and had a "professional" trim it.
My hair has changed since using natural based products (thanks to PJD) I get a very little trim every other perm. I need to have shape so that's why I do it. The search and destroy method sounds pretty cool so I will begin doing that also! Thanks Gurl!
I do a method similar to yours. I'm constantly playing in my hair in search of knots. Once I find them, if I am home, I pull out the shears and get to snippin'. I think this method is best based off of your reasoning. In the past, I would trim all ends and realize that I've cut perfectly good ends. Being naptural I really don't worry about uneveness.
i cut my own :)
@Amina yes some stylists are ridiculously scissor happy. I used to have a stylist like that when i was younger.
@DE Interesting and your hair is long enough for you to see what you are doing, but i understand the fear.
@B no trimming in a year I love that!
@Theraputic M.-I see we are on the same page.
@Frugalista one year that is great. If you take really good care of your ends you probably don't need it anyway.
@Antithesis I remember the pic you posted, your natural hair looks like it is is great shape.
@Just wondering I saw you at the coil review and your hair looked great!!! Keep up with whatever you are doing.
@Jewells there are so many good things about being natural.
@Justme, yes I saw your video, you cut well.
Product junkie Diva
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