I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by the sweet fragrance of the light hair lotion. It left my hair feeling soft and shiny. For a drugstore brand I was shocked that it worked as well as it did on my hair. Another shocker is that no parabens are listed in the ingredients so that was another bonus. The label does however list mineral oil which caused me a measure of sadness.
This product is supposed to prevent frizzy hair, and combat dryness. I have to say that so far this product delivers on it's promise. For roughly $5.00 this product can be a part of your beauty arsenal.
Have you tried any Motions products? If so what was your experience.
P.S. I used to love using the CPR hair treatment with rosemary because I felt like it really helped to prevent breakage.
*Edit- Check out what the Anti Hiar Slave had to say about this product.
I used to use CPR as a deep conditioner years ago. I'm not trying the pink stuff. I have a moisturizer by Elasta QP that I love.
I used to love their CPR stuff, I think I just got bored and started trying other stuff, I can't stay with things that long, lol. That Lusters stuff....I used their relaxer when I was 12. Bald Headed! I had to wear braids for a year because all my hair fell out!
I used CPR in the past as a deep conditioner and still have some in my house. Im just trying to use product that are paraben free and not FILLED with mineral oil to prevent hair growth! I really wish they would make some chances so that the products would be better then harmful for your hair
ahhh good old pink lotion...i tried it once...soooo bad for my hair type, lol
Chiiile, the pink lotion is a staple in most Black households. LOL! Or "was" at one point. I hated it. I swear it took my hair out. I'm so glad this one worked for you!
I used to love Motions in my early college years--I would use their perms and the whole neutralizing shampoo and conditioner line.
Motions perm broke my hair off sooooo bad I can't even decribe, therefore no Motions products for me! I wanted to try the CPR but i am too hesitant b/c of the label motions!
oh pink oil...hairstylists in most west african countries swear by it!
I've used Motions relaxer which set my scalp on fire and gave me terrible sores..
i've used in the past most of their products and had a pleasant experience
Funny you should post about this.....I had the total opposite reaction to the two pink lotions, Luster worked wonders for my hair when I was growign up. I used it when I had braids to keep my hair and scalp oiled. Once I saw Motions, I tried theirs and it was a diaster, it made my hair dull and lifeless.
I do love CPR, I only use it every now and again when I can find it.
what ya'll talkin about, cpr is the bomb. i am currently transitioning and i put cpr in my hair while it is dry wait about 30 minutes then wash it out. i really think that it prevents the breakage :)
motions suck anyway...well their cpr stuff is cool
Thanks to all of your for your honest comments. I do not apply my own perm but my stylist uses Motions (mild) and sometimes she uses the herbal version (the one in the green container).See how we can all have various reactions to the same product, very interesting.
TM sorry to learn about your Lusters problem at the tender age of 12 ..yikes, but we can all see from your pics that you recovered well :-).
J Wondering ingredients mean so much to me especially as I have been learning more about what my hair/body loves /hates.
Ren..lol yes I would think that wouldnt work so well for you..lol
What do you use?
B you are too funny. Oh I saw your hair blog, you had so many different styles and now your current new do- take plenty of pics on your journey.
Jmilz I am so sorry to know that, but look at you now diva! As long as you find a system and products that work for you, I would say stick to it.
Amina Pink lotion is worldwide :-)
how long did you have relaxed hair?
laughing- what did you do to fix your hair problems?
thepeger- I'm glad cpr is working for you. I really like that it includes rosemary :-). haven't used it in a long while but I remember it being good stuff.
Hey infojunkiegrl- thanks for sharing. :-)
thanks for reading everyone
I too also have used Lusters Pink Hair Lotion when I was younger & i used to swear by it! (I can't believe they still sell it too) I think i loved it so much also b/c it was pink LOL. I swore by that stuff but as I got older & learned more I noticed it was making my hair dry & brittle. I agree with u that it causes hair death lol. Now I wasn't aware Motions had their own pink lotion but I'm with Gigi, I too will not being trying any more pink stuff on my hair. For me, the fact alone that it has mineral oil in it is a thumbs down in my book so I know I will def. not be buying it. I am current & pleasantly happy with the moisturizers I am using now. I'm still using & loving My Honey Child Products, qhemet biologics burdock root cream, as well as other natural leave-in condishs w/ shea butter in it. I also use Elasta QP moisturizer from time to time & even though is has parabeans at the end of its ingredient lists, that stuff still works well on my hair & i'd use that any day over any pink stuff lol. But I'm glad you did & it worked well for you, kudous to u girl. I also used to use CPR by Motions for breakage but I afterwhile, i gave it away to one of my friends b/c it had mineral oil in it. Idk y most of the Motions products have mineral oil & other "bad" ingredients in them, which is y I stopped using Motions products all together.
I actually didn't think Motion's verison was too bad either. I linked to you in my review.
Lauren- I am so sad to say that I totally forgot about the burdock root. I haven't used it in months..YIKE. It just keeps getting shoved to the back in place of new products, what a shame. I have to pull it out and use it again because it does work well. thanks for the reminder.
As for the pink lotion while it is different from Lusters product I think it wasn't enough to convert me. I think I too will be sticking with my mineral oil free products but it was nice to try it.
Anti hair slave- thanks I edited and added you as well.
Also there are some people who I know who LOVE all things mineral oil so for them this product would be perfect!
thanks for reading everyone.
Omg really?? They LOVE things with mineral oil in them? Ok, but how does their hair look? Lol. I just read & heard how bad mineral oil is for our hair so that's y im against it. But Kuduos to those who love it & works well on their hair.
wow great to hear!!! i might buy some for my little sister!
I used to love using CPR back in the day. It doesn't work so well w/my natural hair. All those seeds and herbs are a pain to pick out of my coils. =(
Lauren..lol it's acutally a mized bag, some have hair that needs CPR immediately and others have gorgeous locks.
Yummy aww big sis is always looking out, gotta love that.
Jewells yes I can imaging that picking those little pieces out is a pain in the neck... :-)
Thanks for reading everyone.
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