(click to enlarge this picture)Recently a mountain surfaced on the left side of my face and just to avoid any feelings of jealousy my body allowed a twin mountain to appear on my right cheek. So here I am with matching blemishes just hanging around to torment me. Like any good product junkie I used this as an opportunity to test out a new product. I purchased Origins Get Down Deep Pore Clay Cleanser which can be used as a cleanser or a mask and I decided I was going to wear it overnight as a spot treatment. I opened my pores first by placing a warm towel over my face and then I applied the mask. The next day there was a visible difference in the size of the blemish. I did not expect the entire blemish to be gone, I had to be realistic because the blemishes practically had their own zip code. I continued to apply this mask until each blemish was sucked into submission. I like this product especially since it can be used in a variety of ways. This white China clay includes ylang ylang, sage, and lecithin.
Any Origins products I'm missing out on?
I will be away for a good portion of the day so everyone whose blog I normally read I will check you all out tonight…have a great day!!!
Oh la laaaaa, I've never tried any of the Orgins products but I am in need of a good clay mask. You know you a mess. Those dramaticals killed me. "A mountain". You sound like me!
im glad that worked for you. ive never used origins either. great post! the other day i had acne taking over my face i ran out of options and put on some clearsil product my brother had here probably more than 6 months ago and forgot about. it worked, though!
Poor baby. Their own zipcode? Aw. Glad Origins worked out.
Oh, that's good to know.
Thanks for the tip! I would have never thought to use this mask as a zit zapper.
my regimen is origins. its working so far
Your post are always make me laugh *own zip code.** I've heard a lot of great things about origins, but haven't really tried too much of their stuff.
@B ooh you so need a sample they have some good stuff. lol to the rest of your comment.
@Antithesis- Maybe the heat is doing this to us. Clearsil literally eats my skin- it hates me, glad it worked for you though.
@Frugalista yes it was that bad....lol
@travelDiva glad i could help.
@PBW since it said deep down pore cleanser I said ok well do your thing then.
@justme cool, keep us in the loop I want to know how that works out long term.
@DE they do have good items. you can even check them out online.
Product Junkie Diva
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