Saturday was a beautiful day in NYC so I ended up going on a shoe run. It is that time of year when you just have to buy shoes. No seriously you just have to.... Anyway as I was strolling along I passed a Mac store so I just had to enter.
Antithesis got me all excited when I saw her post on the Mac Neo sci-fi line, but I didn't remember while I was in the store that this line will come out in
May. As I entered the store women were waiting to have their faces painted, while others were getting all dolled up in their favorite Mac shades. An associate quickly came to my aid and I told her that I was looking for the Mac Neo sci-fi line. She contorted her face in such a way that it was clear she had not heard of the line, so she asked an associate and he was equally confused. I have to say in that moment I felt completely in the know, like I had informed these Mac employees of products they didnt even know about. (Turns out I was jumping the gun by about a month..lol) The gentleman informed me that he thought I was talking about the N line then he ushered me over to a nearly empty container with two nude lipsticks. I wasn't impressed thanked him for his help and continued browsing the store with the female employee. I told her I wanted the darkest brown lip liner available and she quickly blurted out Chestnut ($12.50). It is beautiful and just the shade that I wanted. She tried to get me into some light shades but I was drawn to the darker products.
I also purchased
plushglass in "Wet wild Wonderful", "oversexed (which looks like a dark purple)" and
lipglass in Viva Glam V (it is listed as a neutral pink with perl but it looks like

a shimery nude color ($17.50 each) . The picture on the right is a shot with all of the shades on my forearm from left to right (the chestnut lip liner, the Viva glam 5, wet wild wonderful, and oversexed (which looks red but it isn't) feel free to click on the picture for a larger view).
I love all of my Mac purchases, the plushglasses are shiny, long lasting, not very sticky (a level 2.5 on the sticky meter), they have a great scent and they apply smoothly with just the right amount of color. The plushglass is supposed to plump up your lips but I don't need that so I almost didnt make the purchase until the sales associate told me that it doesn't work..lol However, your lips will tingle. The lip glass is long lasting and really shiny so I love it also.
In fact earlier today I didnt feel like I had any gloss on my lips so I went to reapply, and the color was still there and it was shiny. I would certainly purchase Mac products again so look out for reviews in the future.
What is your favorite Mac product?
Happy Macing.....